Q: Where is NaNa Music located?
A: NaNa Music Productions does not have an official office space as of yet, but has utilized different facilities around the Montgomery, Alabama area to provide music industry services. Stay tuned to social media and our website for updates as we find our new home.
Q: What is the phone number for NaNa Music?
A: To contact us, please visit our CONTACT US page and complete the form. An NNMP representative will reach out to you about your inquiry shortly after.
Q: What genres are part of NaNa Music?
A: We welcome all genres to work with our team. We have a diverse team that has worked with all styles and genres of music. It is also part of our job to learn different ways of recording to create the best unique sound for certain genres, so we hope you find a new home in creating music with us.
Q: How do I submit a demo to NaNa Music?
A: NaNa Music and its employees do accept, and consider, unsolicited sound recordings, musical compositions or any other creative materials. However, your best bet in being heard will be through our Songwriter Calls, showcases, and auditions.
NaNa Music’s production team will ONLY review demos submitted through artist page/song links (i.e. YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify). Do not send us your actual recording. We also recommend providing your musical background (i.e. major performances, followers, albums, songs, etc.).
Please note that if, despite our request, you submit direct song files / material to us, then NaNa Music has no obligation, and shall not be liable to you, or to any person claiming through you, based on such submission.
Q: How do I find out more about employment opportunities with NaNa Music?
A: NaNa Music will be posting official employment opportunities in 2021. Subscribe to our website for official notifications and postings.
Q: How do I find out more about internship opportunities with NaNa Music?
A: NaNa Music will be posting limited internship opportunities in July 2021 to starting fall semester in 2021. Subscribe to our website for official notifications and postings.
Q: I am a member of the press looking for a media contact. Who do I ask if have a question about a NaNa Music artist, including requests for interviews, review materials, photos, videos, credentials and other assets?
A: Media questions about NaNa Music artists can be sent through our CONTACT US page. Please be sure to provide what media provider you work for, what initial questions you have, and when you would like to schedule an artist interview.
Q: Where can I find more information about NaNa Music?
A: You can stay up to date on events, artists, and updates on by following NaNa Music Productions, LLC on social media at "@nanamusicproductions".